Decor Progress!

Decor Progress! post thumbnail image

The new carpet is in (well, mostly), and we spent Tuesday putting the outside power outlets back on the new siding (with help from my dad) and getting the new entertainment center delivered. So today was the first real day we had to get on with cleaning and actual decorating, and we worked most of the day and a few hours tonight as well. A lot of cleaning, so tomorrow will be the main decor push, but we met the Devil:

Don’t worry. If you’re coming to the party, you’ll meet him soon enough. 😉 
We also helped a ghost get off the ground: 

Ooo…good pic of the new carpet too! 
And then tonight, I put up one of our Halloween villages in the new entertainment center. This picture doesn’t really do it justice, but you get the idea: 
So a busy day all around, and tomorrow will be a lot more decorating as it’s our last day to really work on the indoor decor (we still have a graveyard to put out, you know…). 
Two days to party time! 🙂

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