We’ve got some really fun stuff planned for the Scaryview Cemetery this year. Here’s a sneak peek at the layout:
What? You didn’t think I was going to make it readable, did you? Not that it matters. My scribbles are nothing compared to how it will all look in 3D. 😉 We’re doing a haunted mansion theme this year – the yard being our “mansion”. There will be a dining room with a feast and entertainment, a sitting room/nursery for the babies and their nanny, a bedroom for the Master & Mistress of Death, and of course, a private graveyard for the estate. You never know what else we’ll throw in just for kicks, so plan to stop by if you’re local to the area!
Brent’s been working hard on some of the “hardscape” props we need this year. Anyone need a new canopy bed? Ours is built of scrap wood, foam insulation, PVC pipe and pipe insulation.