A Wee Cradle…A Wee Cradle…
The kids need a place to sleep too, you know? So Brent decided to make a little cradle for a couple. This is a bit more sophisticated than the cut
The kids need a place to sleep too, you know? So Brent decided to make a little cradle for a couple. This is a bit more sophisticated than the cut
We’ve got some really fun stuff planned for the Scaryview Cemetery this year. Here’s a sneak peek at the layout: What? You didn’t think I was going to make it
Wow. The 2011 party pics are the last things I got up here? I am seriously slacking, I tell you what. The thing is, last year we decided to skip
The party’s over, and it was a great time for all, methinks! Thanks to Maicie Wolfe for taking pictures this year – she did a far better job than I
The new carpet is in (well, mostly), and we spent Tuesday putting the outside power outlets back on the new siding (with help from my dad) and getting the new
Just eleven days to party time this year, and we’ve barely started decorating! We’ve had some issues getting new carpet in (it won’t be installed until next Monday – eek!),
Alrighty then – we’re starting to gear up for Halloween 2011, and I realized I never actually posted party pics from last year! Bad blogger! Of course I was going
We’re in all-out party prep mode around here – the house is coming alive with all things creepy, crawly and furry. Tomorrow the graveyard will come together, baking will commence
…and today, we hung a witch in stocks above the dining room table. Hard to get a good picture – I’ll try again when we have better lighting in place.
Look at that – the countdown clock says 50 more days to Halloween! that means there’s only 42 days to the party on Oct. 23rd…and we’d better get moving! I